Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Thank You for Running

Every election has it's quintessential moment. It's usually when you know whether you've won or lost the race. Most good pols know that it comes well before the final tally. It sometimes comes with the lastest polling data, and sometimes it's with the first returns.

But sometimes its during the course of election day. It my case, it came about mid-afternoon standing outside a polling station with one of the poll workers of another candidate for another race. You make some of the best aquaintences standing in the fall weather waving aimlessly at cars driving by with voters. I didn't get her name.

After about an hour of conversation about her candidate and other races, we got onto the subject of my candidacy. She said "Thank you for running." I could tell in that moment, that it was not meant to be. She was very complimentary, but she could not tell me that she had not voted for me.

So we carried on throughout the rest of day, waving robotically, going from polling place to polling place, hoping that these last gasps, (after all the lawn signs, advertising, mailings, sign holding, interviews and non-debate debates), wouldn't be necessary to make the difference.

For the record, I lost my race for Assembly of Delegates from the town of Yarmouth, decidedly. My opponent was re-elected with about 8,100 votes, about the same number she got 2 years ago when she ran unopposed. I got 4,400 votes, about 1,300 more than blanked her last time.

Along the way, we campaigned about how we would each approach the job, and what the priorities of the county government should be. In the process, my opponent managed to raise the Assembly to a new level of obscurity.

No matter how smart you are about politics and elections, (refer to previous blog, Romney Reform: NIMBY), it doesn't necessarily translate into election victory.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Spyro, you beat "blanks", I am deeply impressed by your political skills and savvy. Don't quit your day job, oh wait a minute, do you even have a job?

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Running for public office at any level these days is not an easy task. Too few people are willing to commit the time and energy it requires. I appreciate that you were willing to do so and hope that your effort will encourage others to follow your example.

Allen Larson

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got potential, sonny - but next time, choose a better fight.

And stop knocking GOP's if you want to be one - do you realize you attacked EVERY GOP candidate except yourself?

Ask somebody about the 11th Commandment someday.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger CapePolitics said...

How very sensitive the Republicans are. First, they don't want you to run against them, then, they don't don't want you to criticize them.

For the record, I attacked Gail Lese, and only midly went after Tim Duncan, for carpetbagery. The local Republicans should be angry at Mitt Romney. He cost them the Dick Neitz race.

I did not attack George Bush, Jim Cummings, Ann Canady, Dick Neitz, Shirley Gomes, Larry Wheatly, Jeff Perry, Mary LeClair, Tom Keyes, or Charlotte Striebel.

Everyone on that list is apparently put out because Gail Lese lost. Even the President; he hired her fiance.

As far as I know, there is no litmus test to being a Republican. But apparently, there is to being a Barnstable County republican, the 11th Commandment.


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was pulled over in Massachusetts for reckless driving. When brought before the judge, I was asked if I knew what the punishment for drunk driving in that state was. I said, "I don't know... reelection to the Senate?" - Emo Philips

At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The election is over Spyro, get a job & life.

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is running against Striebel and calling her a bad representative of Yarmouth not attacking her?

At 4:10 PM, Blogger CapePolitics said...

You have a fundemantal misunderstanding of politics. Running against someone and pointing out the differences between you, is quite different than attacking a candidate from the sidelines as an observer.

Remember this was a non-partisan race. Were we to have had a primary, I suppose Charlotte and I should have decided who runs as a Republican over high tea?

The problem with the Republican Party on Cape Cod is that it is run like a private club, by invitation only. No challenges within the party. You must wait your turn.

Since we are on the subject, Gail Lese was bad for the Republicans on Cape Cod. Not only did she give the party a black eye by running a miserable campaign, she dragged down a fellow Republican, Dick Neitz, with her.

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

==Remember this was a non-partisan race. Were we to have had a primary, I suppose Charlotte and I should have decided who runs as a Republican over high tea?==

Actually, Tom George always favored taking you for a cup of coffee at Jack's Outback!

Geography beat Dick Neitz, who was a virtual unknown in Brewster. 'The Yarmouth Vote' ain't what it used to be.


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