Saturday, October 23, 2004

Ritchie Rich

The Provincetown Banner must be selling a lot of advertising these days. According to the Federal Election Commission reports filed by the presidential candidates and the major parties, the single largest contributor who lists their address from Cape Cod is none other Alix Ritchie, Publisher of the Provincetown Banner, by far.

So far in the 2003 - 04 election cycle, she has given to:

Democratic National Committee $10,000
John Kerry $2000
Howard Dean $2000
Democracy for America, $1000 (Howard Dean's PAC)
Kerry-Edwards (Compliance Fund) $2000
Kerry Victory 2004 (DNC/PAC) $25,000
Hillary Clinton, $2000
EMILY's List, $7000
America Coming Together, $1000
Hill PAC $500
Moveon PAC $500

TOTAL $53,000 (as of 8/31/04)

Postscript: Add $5,000 to the MA State Democratic Committee

Blogger's Note: Timing of these things is sometimes pretty tricky. Like a lot of other good Democrats, it seems that Ms. Ritchie first gave to Kerry, then when it appeared that Dean was going to win, pre-Iowa scream, she switched horses. Then she went back to Kerry after the nomination was assured.

But no longer getting credit for being there from the beginning, had to make up for it by contributing to the DNC, big time.

Also looks like she's covering the bet with contributions to Hillary Clinton. The election cycle for 2008 apparently has already started.


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