Shoot the Messenger
"Rob O'Leary is the candidate of the NRA."
O'Leary has acheived what few Massachusetts liberals have ever received, an A grade from the National Rifle Association. Defined as a "solidly pro-gun candidate", that grade earns him an (√ ) endorsement from the NRA.
I don't know what O'Leary did, or didn't do, to deserve it, but what is even more bizarre is the Massachusetts Republican Party, and by extention his opponent in the Senate race, Gail Bronwyn Lese, sending a mailing to every voter in the district, this past weekend, telling voters of the endorsement.
Now anyone who knows O'Leary, knows he's a solid Democrat, with strong liberal leanings. In this race, he already has the registered democrats on his side, he has the liberals in his column, hell, he even has some liberal republicans in his corner, due to the environmental climate on the Cape.
But now he gets to lay claim to the gun enthusiasts, sportmen/hunters and the 2nd Amendment supporters, all constituencies that usually vote Republican. Courtesy of the Republican party and his republican opponent. And they even paid for the postage!
Desperation Makes You Do Funny Things
Any suggestion that Lese is going after O'Leary's base; democrats, liberals, or gun control advocates, is just plain nuts at this stage of the game. But that's exactly what they're doing.
It's the result of youth and inexperience. Both on the part of the candidate and her campaign manager.
After receiving the NRA/O'Leary postcard mentioned and watching local debates, I must agree with your assessment of Dr. Lese. She is definitely "wet behind the ears" and would do well with a bit more experience in the political arena.
Perhaps she is a successful doctor and financial planner but to Cape Codders and Wash-a-shores alike, she is a carpetbagger and a lead political pawn of our current governor.
Rolling her eyes and taking umbrage at the suggestion that she is, indeed, inexperienced is not a good political move. Go back home, Dr. Lese and get some more experience before attempting your third career move.
Poor little Dr. Gail, she was born with a silver foot in her mouth.
There is definitely Lese there than meets the eye.
Hey Spiro, right on man!
Lou Gonzaga has this election won! Gonzaga's views on imigration & taxes will bring him to the state house!
I am a democrat like Spiro, but after listening to Dr. Lese in the past debates, its obvious that Dr. Lese has the upper hand. Go Dr. Gail Lese!
This is Lou Gonzaga, and I come to you on election nite to thank you for electing me as your state senator. Beacon Hill, look out, its Lou time!
Whats Spiro going to do after the election? I mean this blog will be useless, he won't have an excuse to be obsessed with certain candidates, heck it wont even prevent the wind farm...
Um...who WANTS to prevent the wind farm?
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