Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Cape and Islands : FOR SALE

Gail Lese will spend $250,000 more than Rob O'Leary to get elected. The difference being the amount Lese and the Republican Party will pay out of pocket to reclaim this Senate seat. According to the Office of Campaign and Political Finance, as of October 15th,

Lese for State Senate has raised about $291K. Of that total Gail Lese has lent her campaign $150K. The campaign has also received $77K in-kind from the Mass Republican State Committee, and another $14K in-kind from the candidate herself.

Incredible as it may sound Gail Lese has already spent $369K and well spend up to $450K in this campaign. Much of the spending will not be detailed until after the election.

Committee to Elect Robert O'Leary has raised $152K in the same period, and started with $16K in the bank. The candidate has not lent to his campaign. The campaign has not received in-kind contributions from the Mass Democratic State Committee (this will change), or the candidate himself (this will not change).

Not quite as, but still impressive, Rob O'Leary has spent about $100K so far and may well spend up to $200K to get re-elected.

This will be the most expensive race in the Cape & Islands history. But what is ironic, is that absent the $150K that Lese gave her campaign, they have raised about the same amount of money from contributions!

The color of money. But most of Lese's contributions come from off-Cape, while most of O'Leary's are from the Cape & Islands. While Lese has quite a few well heeled and notable contributors, many of whom delivered by the Governor, O'Leary relies on Labor Unions for the bulk of his largesse.


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