Saturday, October 16, 2004

Log Cabin Democrats

Sounds like the Kerry-Edwards campaign is getting a little desperate in the final days. You can always tell, when as a last ditch effort they go after the other guy's base.

In the last two debates, first Edwards and then Kerry "outed" Lynn Cheney as first being gay, by Edwards, and when it didn't get enough play, or indignation, then as a "lesbian", by Kerry.

Far from being a "compliment" as Kerry offered afterwards, it was designed to get Bush's evangelical base to stay home, not vote on election day. Or if that doesn't ultimately work, give him a little momentum in the polls leading up Nov. 2.

Kerry campaign manager, Marybeth Cahill, covered for Kerry's mistake, by saying that Lynn Cheney, was "fair game". But then Mrs. Edwards weighed in, by saying that Mrs. Cheney must be ashamed of her daughter for not recognizing her more often in public, making sure that the evangelicals understood what they were supposed to be thinking.

Mrs. Edwards' piling on had the effect of tipping the media over on the issue, exposing the intent from the beginning was to embarass the Vice President, and here we are 5 days later talking about Kerry's utterance of the "L" word as if it were Howard Dean's scream.

By the way, not one to cast aspersions, but have you noticed that the Edwards' never stand together in public. Looks a little familiar doesn't it, like Charles and Diana. Can Camilla be far behind?


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