Loyal Flush
On being true to one's colors.
If you are a candidate running for partisan political office, shouldn't you have at least voted for that party's standard bearer in the previous election?
I mean wouldn't it be at least intellectually honest to have voted for Mitt Romney for Governor in 2002 if you're going to run for office as a Republican in 2004? I mean if you were a Democrat in 2002, you would have voted for Shannon O'Brien, right?
It stands to reason, if you were a Republican, you would have voted for Romney. Then, what are the chances you would have voted for Romney if you were a Democrat in 2002? Are you following this?
Guess who was a Democrat in 2002, voted for the Democrat running for Governor in 2002, switched teams to run for office as a Republican in 2004 at the behest of the Republican who was elected in 2002? First one to guess right gets a prize.
Is it Spyro Mitrokostas, Republican candidate for Assembly of Delagates in Yarmouth?
I guess Carol Less.
Hmmm....could it be the candidate who has "Dr." on all her signs but is prohibited from practicing medicine in Massachusetts? Or is it the one who moved here a few months ago just to run for office? Oh, wait...that's the same person.
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