Blind Ambition
In a recent item featuring Lou Gonzaga, the story states in part that he has never been elected to political office and knows that unseating a popular Democrat will be a tough task. That's why he announced his run 16 months before the election and began running immediately. He told a reporter at the time that getting a head start was "the only way I'm going to win this race."
Political Anagram:
Timothy Duncan, resident of Cambridge,and candidate for State Senate from Falmouth, is an anagram for "Thy Nomadic Nut".
Political Daffi-nitions:
CARPETBAGGER, During the Reconstruction period (2002- present) following the election of Governor Mitt Romney, any Northern Shore politician or financial adventurer accused of going South to use the newly enfranchised freedmen (Unenrolled) as a means of obtaining office or profit. The epithet originally referred to an unwelcome stranger coming, with no more property than he could carry in a satchel (carpetbag), to exploit or dominate a region, such as Cape Cod, against the wishes of some or all of its inhabitants. Although carpetbaggers often supported the corrupt financial schemes that helped to bring the Republican Party into ill repute, many of them were genuinely concerned with the freedom and education of Cape Cod citizens.
Spyro Mitrokostas is the former Executive Director of the Cape Cod Technology Council and has held the same position at the Cape Cod Internet Council. He has been a politically active going back to the early Dukakis and Kerry campaigns and he is presently a candidate from Yarmouth for the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates. He is a lifelong resident of Cape Cod and a graduate of the London School of Economics.
Where to Vote: For a list of all of Cape Cod's polling places click here.
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