Looking for the Men's Room
Elections are about a series of opportunities, missed and otherwise.
With the political season heading into hibernation for the winter, what with all the incumbents getting re-elected and going on well-deserved vacations, and the new guys trying to figure out where the men's room is in the Statehouse, Cape Codders recently got a glimpse of a heavyweight battle to come; Romney vs. Reilly, the Governor vs. the Attorney General.
Shorty after the spring thaw, the candidates for the Corner Office will declare, but in the meantime we were treated to a dance of sorts, or a prelude to a fight where the combatants walk around the ring showing off, well, their manhood. What was taking place at the Yarmouth Middle School last week was like a rehersal of Cover Your Ass, an updated version of Lord of the Dance.
The occassion was the public hearing for the Cape Wind project held by the Army Corps of Engineers. The paire de deux ostensibly came to voice their opposition to the wind farm. In attempting to outdo each other, they almost tripped over each other, literally.
Romney, made a smooth entrance and exit to cheers form the crowd. A very well orchestrated appearance. His sponsors, the local Repubicans, were pleased. Reilly, on the other hand, had to arrive early to get a seat and had to speak immediate following the Governor, to less than enthusiastic reviews.
The Governor is a tough act to follow, but the difference was this; the AG had no serious advance for his appearance. Speaking at the behest of the local Democratic establishment, the Congressman and the State Sens. and Reps., Reilly made a rookie mistake; he relied on the locals to handle his performance.
Take it from an old advance man, never trust the locals to handle your appearances. Had Reilly any political instincts, he would have had his aides arrange for a coincidental meeting of the two within shot of a camera. This would immediately have raised the AG's stature in the media, and within the party.
And make no mistake, for these two guys, the confrontation was not about the windmills. It was about the election. And it was about singing for their supper with their supporters.
So this was our preview of the general election two years from now. The Governor, perfect in apprearance and execution. The AG, looking for the men's room.
Attornies General are not electable anyway. Anybody remember Frank Bellotti and Scott Harsbarger ?
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken
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